Our Most Requested Webinars

We view webinars a little differently than other training firms. We see webinars as “virtual learning experiences” - something that a group of people can truly share in and be part of. Learning online is a very different experience than learning in-person and we strive to create a superior online experience!


These webinars are 45-50 minutes in length including time for Q/A. They all include complete handouts.

Investing in You: Examining Your Wellness Strategies!
- A look at personal wellness during a tough and unpredictable year!

Change Is Inevitable: How to Think and Work Your Way Through Change!
- This year is a lesson for all us on “imposed” change…so how do we make change work?

How to Make Things Right When Things Go Wrong!
- All about the restoration of relationships when they become strained or damaged.

Art of Delegation: How to Delegate Responsibility with Respect!
- “Free” yourself, have more time, and empower others!

The Art of Constructive Advice!
- How to tactfully present advice that someone might not take well

It’s About Time: Simple Yet Effective Time and Task Management Tips!

- Time is money apparently and when used well, we can bank it!

Stress Survival “Kit”: What to Pack for Work, Home, and Life In Between!
- Stressed? Learn a few good tips that can really help?

Communication Toolbox: Strategies for Communicating Effectively, Assertively, and Clearly!
- A great selection of communication tools and tips that can make an immediate difference.

Examining Ethics: An Honest Look at Ethics and Ethical Behaviour!
- Are we ethical people and do we know right from wrong?

Leadership in Changing Times!
- Discover what it takes to lead your team successfully through change.

Sitting Next to Greatness: The Benefits of Being or Having A Mentor!
- Pay it forward as a mentor and learn that you can make a difference!

How to Make Things Right When Things Go Wrong!
- An interesting look at mediating and resolving issues between people.

Dealing with Difficult People: Seven Simple Solutions to Success!
- Seven steps to take when you have someone who can be difficult

Workplace Personality Dynamics: Understanding What Makes People Tick!
- There are four core personalities you need to know and understand

How to Motivate Yourself to Stay Positive, Energized, and Focused!
- Discover what it takes to be at your best and ready to take on life!