Our Personal Favourites…

Our Favourite Presentations…

STOP That Stinkin’ Thinkin!

This upbeat and motivational presentation makes the argument that we are our own guardians of good thinking and a positive life. We are the sum and quality of our thoughts and a happier, more productive, and optimistic life begins in thinking thoughts that take us forward. We can choose how we interpret our challenges and the consequent way we communicate to ourselves.

"...And Other Duties as Assigned!"

It's not how many years we live ...but the life we put into our years. All too often we are called on to wear many hats and fulfill many new responsibilities professionally at work and in our own private lives with our friends and family. This motivational and often humorous presentation presents a wide palette of practical time/ life management solutions, insights on effective living and "food for thought" as we tackle our increasingly more complex lives.

Laughing at Stress: Humour in Times of Change!

How we respond to change, and stress is a personal choice when operating and managing your personal and professional life. Keeping your sense of humour and adopting some simple philosophical perspectives might be the healthiest approach to dealing effectively with stress and change.

Twelve Monkeys of Life and Work…And How to Get Them off Your Back!

In this motivational presentation, we will explore how to tame twelve common "monkeys" or typical life and work challenges that all have some influence on us from time to time. We'll explore the “monkeys” of self-doubt, procrastination, personal productivity, getting and staying organized, attitude, interpersonal communication, stress, difficult people / circumstances, worry, the future and change...plus much more!

Dealing with Difficult People: Seven Simple Steps to Success!

A mountain can’t get any bigger, but we can. We can learn how to scale and conquer our people mountains.
Throughout your personal and professional life, we will all have to deal at some time with difficult and challenging people and personalities. This inspiring and often humorous presentation presents seven very basic and common-sense solutions to enact when you find yourself having to go “toe to toe” with that difficult person.

Our Favourite Seminars and Workshops

Inspired Leadership: Motivating Your Team to Bring Their Best to Work!

Leaders that inspire us to be our best are leaders that earn great respect and trust. As a leader, what a wonderful opportunity it is for you to be such a positive and supportive influence on others. This motivational seminar will fire you up with a new enthusiasm to look and find the best each team member. Discover how to motivate your team with the power of genuine and targeted praise. Empower them to utilize their personal strengths. Coach and mentor them on areas in which they can build new skills and abilities. Partner them up with other team members that can provide positive support. Learn how delegation empowers your staff and frees you to really focus on more important leadership activities. Become an agent for improving morale and service within your team.

The Communication “Toolbox”: Strategies for Communicating Effectively, Assertively and Clearly!

There can be no doubt how counterproductive miscommunication and misunderstandings can cost us both personally and professionally. Discover common sense solutions to ensuring you minimize typical communication problems and build the basis of better interpersonal communication. This comprehensive look at inter-personal communication will inspire you to assess your effectiveness as a communicator and have you applying the valuable tips and techniques right away!

Workplace Personalities and How to Work with Them!

Every workplace and organization has its challenges. Often, we discover that our co-workers, managers, or supervisors have different personalities and approaches to their work and to workplace communication than we do. We live in a unique world and we bring our unique perspectives, lifetime experiences, emotional developments, and societal/familiar backgrounds to our work. This workshop will help you identify and examine the different human personalities so that you have a better handle on how to work and communicate with those with whom you work and to whom you report.

How to Motivate Yourself to Stay Positive, Focused and Energized!

This is a workshop that suggests we have to develop our own personal life and work strategies to remain motivated, positive, and focused usually through difficult or challenging times. Throughout life, we will encounter those who seem empowered to stay motivated and focused as they move through various challenges personally and professionally. What they know and what we need to discover is that their strategies for being positive, focused, and energized...is a simple formula based on choice and disciplined thought. In this workshop, you discover the power of creating empowering beliefs through self-coaching, how to grow a success mentality, use creative visualization and …plus much more.

Leadership in Changing Times !

It is said that it is changing and challenging times that leadership most keenly felt and needed. It requires all leaders to develop not only a plan but to have a leadership strategy and approach that best facilitates the process of planning change and implementing new ideas and programs.

For some change is viewed as an opportunity and a challenge that is taken on with a positive and even adoptive attitude. For other change is viewed as another mountain that must be climbed and it is particularly unwanted and resisted if there has already been a lot of change.

The key is to change management from a leadership perspective – having and transferring that vision and being keenly aware of all its short and long-term benefits. This workshop discusses the impact change in depth, selective vs. imposed change, the attraction of predictability. We’ll also discuss why some people willingly look at change as something to accept and why others are hesitant and resist. Finally, we’ll look at the seven import steps in leading people though change and as a bonus module we’ll talk about keys to employee engagement.